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Deploying HTML5 & SVG with Bruce Lawson
People of HTML5 - Bruce Lawson
Demystifying HTML5 -- Interview with Bruce Lawson, Opera
Captioning test with Bruce Lawson's HTML5 != CSS3 rant
Bruce Lawson picture and friends HTML responsive images (DrupalJam 2015)
Five things carrots can do that HTML5 can't
Exclusive SXSWi interview with Opera's web evangelist Bruce Lawson
Bruce Lawson - Bruce's Tour of the Sausage Factory (NLHTML5)
The Brum Tech Scene Interviews: Bruce Lawson
Over The Air 2012 Bruce Lawson, Opera Software.
How to Destroy the Web Opera by Bruce Lawson - Codemotion Roma 2014
Joke about a bloke on the M1 in a chariot pulled by a giant chicken